
September 18, 2018

Family Based Immigrant Visa


An immigration visa is a document that allows an individual to start a life in another country, work there and raise a family. An immigration visa involves a variety of procedures, including filing various applications, showing the right intent as well as going through rounds of exhaustive interviews. An immigration visa, or immigrant visa, is granted as a proof of that individual’s legal citizenship to a country of his or her choice. This process requires the submission of an array of documents and preparation for interviews. It requires a professional hand to deal with the number of applications required and to ensure that they are not rejected.

Permanent Residency Visa
Each country follows a different set of norms when it comes to granting permanent residency to applicants. This type of visa grants the status of a permanent resident to the individual making it possible for them to make the most of the benefits granted to permanent citizens in that country. The norms and laws around this visa change with time and the evolving global situations, making it almost impossible for a lay individual to keep track of them.

Family-Based Immigrant Visa
This form of a visa allows a family member of an individual settled abroad to claim their immigrant rights. This type of visa is available to direct family members or, in the cases of some countries, to specific distant relationships and family members. This people who can make the most of this type of visa’s are spouses, unmarried children, adopted children, etc. who have a legal permanent resident vouching for them. These type of visas take time and once again have a number of forms and applications that need to be filled out as well as interviews.

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