IELTS Writing: Important Tips To Get You Extra Points!


May 31, 2019

IELTS Writing: Important Tips To Get You Extra Points!


Writing is perhaps the most difficult section of the IELTS examination. This is a section that truly tests your mettle with respect to the language. In order to make sure that you can score well in this section, you will have to put in a whole lot of effort and practice as much as you can.

But apart from all the sheer hard work, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you get a few extra points and prevent you from losing some.

Before we delve into the tips, it is important for you know that the objective of testing your writing prowess is to determine how well you understand the language and how comfortable you are with constructing sentences to make sense.

To achieve this, you have to continuously update your vocabulary. Now, evolving your vocabulary doesn’t necessarily mean using difficult and big words. However, you should have the exact word that denotes a particular sentiment or action.

Let us now, take a look at the tips:

Quality Resource

Unless you read good stuff there is no way that you can write good stuff. So, before you start practicing how to write you have to find quality content for reference and then keep reading it. Today is the day and age of the internet. You can easily find a host of different things easily by conducting a simple online search.

So, find for yourself a bunch of good articles and essays, red them understand them, identify the kind of approach that different writers have used and then try to implement it in your own writing. It might seem to be a little difficult initially but you will be just fine when you continue to do so for a while.

Understand the Rules

While the rules of the writing section are pretty simple and very clear it is easy to overlook them when you are in the flow of writing. To prevent this from happening make sure that you have a very clear idea of the rules before the paper itself.

For the most part, these are the basic guidelines:

  • The essay should be of minimum 250 words
  • There has to be a conclusion
  • The introduction should be roughly 40 words

Apart from this the basic rule is to ensure that you understand the tempo of the question.  Are they asking you your opinion or are they seeking for pros and cons? Make sure that you approach the question in the form that the question has been asked and is expected to be answered.

Practice test topics

You can find a host of different mock tests online. Take them up and start practicing how to write. The best way to go about it is to have a faculty who can not only provide you with the topic, but who can also time you and then correct your paper so that you know exactly where you stand.

Our team of IELTS coaches has some of the best and the most experienced minds in the industry. Feel free to reach out to us to undertake training or to appear for different mock tests when you like.

Describing data

This is probably something that can seem like an ominous feat but doesn’t have to be so. Describing graphs and pie charts is very intimidating if you don’t know how to do it. Of course, there are very simple ways of treating data such that writing them is not at all cumbersome.

At Rao Consultants, we have some of the most distinguished experts from the industry who give you their knowledge and tips on how you can interpret and write data in the best possible way so that you can score very well very easily.

Treat time with care

It is easy to lose track of time when you are writing. Especially if you aren’t comfortable with the language. But don’t worry. The only way you will ever start writing well within the given time is by taking mock tests.

Make it a habit to write at least 4 essays every day. Also, make sure that you follow the basic format of the essay. Once you get the hang of it, it should not be difficult for you to keep writing at all. The most important thing to do here is to read the question carefully. Read it twice. Make sure that you understand what the question attempts to know from you. IF you do that, there is no way that you will not succeed.

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