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Canada to Start Parents and Grandparent’s Immigration in 2023


June 8, 2023

Canada to Start Parents and Grandparent’s Immigration in 2023

Canada is set to witness a significant surge in the immigration of parents and grandparents starting in 2023, as the government announces new policies aimed at facilitating family reunification. This move comes as a response to the growing demand from Canadian citizens and permanent residents who wish to bring their loved ones closer.

Comparing to January 2022, immigration plans the number of permanent residents who entered Canada through the Parents and Grandparents Programme (PGP) grew by over 60%.

In January 2023, the PGP received 2,065 new permanent residents, up from 1,300 in January 2022.

Canada is planning to bring in 28,500 PGP permanent residents by 2023.

Previous PGP who became permanent residents:

27,255 permanent residents entered Canada through the PGP in 2022, a 132% increase over the 11,740 that entered in 2021.

Goal of Immigration level plan 2023-2025:

  • The goal of Canada’s Immigration Level Plans 2023–2025 is to accept 465,000 permanent immigrants in 2023.
  • 50,885 new permanent residents arrived in Canada in January 2023, over 44 percentages more than the 35,450 immigrants who arrived in January of the previous year.
  • 106,500 permanent residents will fall under the family sponsorship category of the immigration target for 2023.
  • Under the PGP, family sponsorship comprises parents, grandparents, spouses, common-law partners, and children.
  • 13,000 immigrants have previously entered Canada through the PGP and spousal/child sponsorship.

How to apply for PGP?

The ability to sponsor the immigration of one’s parents or grandparents to Canada is available to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

A parent or grandparent who is accepted under this programme will be given permanent residency in Canada and might eventually be allowed to seek for Canadian citizenship.

Eligibility criteria for PGP:

In the past, sponsors had to have complied with the following requirements in order to be eligible for the PGP:

  • Between November 3, 2020 (12:00 PM EST) and October 13, 2020 (12:00 PM EDT), you must have filled out an Interest to Sponsor form on the IRCC website.
  • A registered Indian under the Canadian Indian Act, a citizen of Canada, or a permanent resident of Canada;
  • Age 18 or older; Canadian residency (possible applicants will be required to present documentation of residency during the Interest to Sponsor phase);
  • Exceed the minimum required income level for this programme (if married or living with someone in a common-law relationship, the sponsor’s and spouse’s income may be included) and present IRCC with proof of income;
  • Sign an undertaking to provide the sponsored with financial support for 20 years (beginning when they become permanent residents) and, if applicable, to return any social assistance benefits paid to the sponsored family members, for the same 20-year period.

The 2023 PGP has not yet been given specifics by IRCC. Previous years’ prospective sponsors who received an Invitation to Apply (ITA) through the PGP were chosen at random by IRCC using a lottery mechanism.

Since 2020, all ITAs for the PGP have been granted to candidates who indicated a desire to sponsor through the PGP between October and November 2020. In October 2022, the last PGP lottery was held. There were roughly 155,000 potential sponsors remained in the pool at the time of the 2022 lottery.

“Alternative of PGP: SUPER VISA

The Super Visa, an alternative to the PGP, enables grandparents and parents of Canadian citizens to enter the country as guests for up to five years after their original trip without having to reapply for status.

If they want to live in the country they can apply for Temporary Resident Visa (TRV). With the Super Visa, they can travel between Canada and their own country without going through the pain of reapplying again and again for the TRV.

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