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Canadian immigration minister Sean Fraser just made promising announcements!


April 27, 2022

Canadian immigration minister Sean Fraser just made promising announcements!

Despite having had a robust economic retrieval, Canada holds a plethora of job openings to be occupied.

The announcement includes incorporating various measures that would assist meeting the countryโ€™s labour market work requirements.

This series of measures which are about to be out into practice are as follows:

  • Extension of post-graduation work permits for current international graduate students and also for those whose work permits either have or are about to expire this year. These candidates will fall eligible to receive an added open work permit of 18 months.
  • Initiation of sending invites to fresh candidates to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry program starting in July. This will cover the skilled new comers who are already in Canada with temporary status.
  • Returning to the 6 months service standard achieved as a result of the federal high skilled processing inventory being sliced in half, falling to just 48000 people in March 2022 from a whopping 119000 people in September 2021.
  • Processing of more than 1, 00,000 work permit applications within the first 3 months of 2022 to address the labour dearth, which is twofold as compared to the previous year i.e. 2021.
  • Over 156,000 final PR application decisions made this year by now.
  • Ensuring Canadian employers have provision of workers they require for their growth, these measures will also focus on the immediate necessities of the countryโ€™s labour shortage with fresh talent from overseas to lend a supporting hand to the governmentโ€™s larger perspective.

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