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Ontario, for one more time takes off the CRS cap in the Skilled Trades draw


February 28, 2022

Ontario, for one more time takes off the CRS cap in the Skilled Trades draw

Two times in a row, there was no CRS cap for the Express entry candidates in the Ontario Provincial Nominee Program.

On the 24th of February, Ontario accepted 818 Express Entry candidate applications for PNP draw. The candidates invited by the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program are those who probably fall eligible under the Ontario Express Entry Skilled Trades System and should also have a minimum Comprehensive Ranking Score (CRS) of 359 in the Express Entry System profile. These candidates who were invited by Ontario needed to have formed their Express Entry profile in span of one year starting from February 24, 2021 till February 24, 2022.

Ontario implemented its CRS cap removal for two times in just two day time. An Express Entry applicant is eligible to receive a maximum of 600 points without having a provincial nomination. Nominees who has a CRS score beyond the maximum limit before the February 24, 2022 draw would not be qualified to put in an application for the nomination.

Large number of Express Entry aspirants to benefit from this step executed by Ontario

Only Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) candidates gets this opportunity as Canada has not held any draw for other programs since September 2021. However, it has been lately announced by the Canadian Immigration Minister Sean Fraser to resume the draws for Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) as well as for Canadian Experience Class (CEC) in the upcoming time.

Express Entry candidatesโ€™ applications with CRS higher than 467 were not considered by Ontario during the entire year of 2021. Owing to this, few applicants were focusing on lessening their scores in the pool so that they could have a nomination from Ontario.

Canadian government in the last level plan had decided upon 81,500 and 83,000 PNP immigrants for the year 2022 and 2023 respectively. But, according to the latest Immigration Levels Plan of 2022-2024, the targets are anticipated to be way higher as Canada is planning to acquire 83,500 migrants this year through base PNP and Express Entry-aligned categories. Despite all this, January 27 was the day when Ontario held its largest draw and brought in 1032 Skill Trades Stream immigrants. Thereafter, on February 23, 2022, the biggest draw for HCP candidates happened which called in for 773 candidates.

CEC candidatesโ€™ applications considered by Ontarioโ€™s Express Entry Skilled Trades Stream

Ontarioโ€™s Skilled Trades Stream linked to Express Entry carves pavement towards Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) and Canadian Experience Class (CEC) for permanent residency candidates. Also, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) accepts invites from the eligible candidates to apply for a provincial nomination.

The pre-requisites for this is that one should be residing in Ontario with a legit work permit, a minimum of either one year of full time work experience or equal time period of part time job. Moreover, the applicants need to have finished their work experience in the province itself under a skilled trade listed in Minor Group 633 or Major Group 72, 73, or 82 of Canadaโ€™s National Occupational Classification (NOC).

Nevertheless, to apply under the Skilled Trades Stream, no job offer is necessary. All a candidate needs to do is fulfil the federal provincial requirements which are obligatory.