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Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued 283 invitations to Express Entry Candidates


February 17, 2021

Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued 283 invitations to Express Entry Candidates

Ontario invited 1186 immigrant candidates to apply for provincial nomination. The invitations were allotted Express Entry applicants with the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score stretching between 453 and 467. The invitations were sent over the Human Capital Priorities Stream of the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP). The called applicants require work experience in any one of the six following targeted professions:

  • Software engineers and designers (NOC 2173)
  • Computer programmers and interactive media developers (NOC 2174)
  • Computer engineers (NOC 2147)
  • Web designers and developers (NOC 2175)
  • Database analysts and data administrators (NOC 2172)
  • Computer and information systems managers (NOC 0213)

What to do after receiving the invitation?

If you have acknowledged invitations, you can submit your application within 45 days. You can achieve 600 additional CRS score points to your total score. That would assure you an invitation to apply forย permanent residence in Canadaย in the consequent Express Entry draw.

Admission target under PNP For 2021



Low range

ย High range


80,800 64,000



81,500 63,600



83,000 65,000


What is the Provincial Nominee Program (PNPs)?

Introduced by the Canadian provincial government, PNP stands for the Provincial Nominee Program. These programs are planned by the province or territory to help applicants move to Canada. It can increase 600 CRS points to your Express Entry application and makes you qualified to apply for your Canada PR visa directly to IRCC.

Who can apply for the PNP program?

As an applicant under the PNP program, you must meet the minimum requirements for the provinceโ€™s non-Express Entry categories or must be nominated under that stream.

Why Should Apply through theย PNP?

  • PNP will make you qualified to apply for a Canada PR visa to Immigration Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
  • Several provincial nominee programs need no job offer
  • Itโ€™s quicker treating of applications than other programs of immigrations
  • PNP is the best for candidates who lack a worthy IELTS score
  • PNP offers enormous employment opportunities
  • Canada offers about 80 different PNPs that have their specific admissibility requirements

Know more about Ontario PNP

  • The first Ontario Tech Pilot draw of 2021 was held on February 16.
  • Previously Human Capital Priorities draw invited candidates with work experience in professions associated with finance and health sectors also.
  • A total of 6716 applicants under the Human Capital Priorities stream were invited in 2020. That was the largest percentage of PNP nominations issued by Ontario.

How to Apply for Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP)?

There are certain stages that you can take to begin the procedure for applying for a PNP no matter whichever Province you are applying for.

  • Stage 1: Decide Your Eligibility
  • Stage 2: Jump the Application Process
  • Stage 3: Check the Procedure Times
  • Stage 4: Provide Important Documents
  • Stage 5: Prepare Your Arrival to Canada or Apply Again With Alterations to Application